Monday, December 19, 2011

Action and Confirmation

Our actions will either confirm our unbelief,
or confirm the validity our faith.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Gospel and Good Works

What is the relationship between the Gospel and good works/social justice ministries/mercy ministries?  This is one of the current intramural debates among Christians.  Paul actually addresses this issue in his epistle to Titus. The phrase good deed(s) is used six times in this short letter, and after dealing with the issue of establishing order-appointing elders-refuting and silencing false teachers (yes, they all go together), he emphasizes the role of good deeds in the life of the believer and therefore the life of the church.

In 1:16 we see that there are those who profess Christ but whose deeds deny him, and Paul calls them detestable, and worthless for any good deed.

In 2:7-8 Paul exhorts Titus, as the spiritual leader, to be an example of good deeds, which along with purity of doctrine, dignity, and soundness of speech, will put the opponents of the gospel to shame and give them no reason to malign Christians.

In 2:14 we see that Christ redeemed us from every lawless deed so that His people would be zealous for good deeds.

In 3:1 we see that we are to be in a state of readiness/preparedness for every good deed.

In 3:8 we see that we, as Christians, are to exercise thought in engaging in good deeds, and that these deeds are good and profitable for men.

In 3:14 we see that we must be in the habit of/accustomed to engaging in good deeds that meet pressing needs, so that as Christians we will not be unfruitful.

It is obvious that engaging in good deeds is a key theme in this book, something that Paul, speaking on behalf of the Lord, views as important. And if you follow the flow of thought concerning good deeds (from 1:16-3:14) you will see that deeds will either be contrary to and therefore contradict our doctrine and profession, or they (good deeds) will concur with and therefore confirm our doctrine and confession.

In reading this epistle we see that those who are not Christians are worthless for any (truly) good deed. We see that for Christians good deeds adorn the doctrine we preach, put the opponents of the gospel to shame and causes their maligning to fall flat. We see that, as Christians, we are to have a passion for goods deeds, to be always ready and prepared for good deeds, and are to thoughtfully engage in good deeds. These good deeds are beneficial to men, not just Christians but to men in general; and in performing these good deeds pressing needs will be met, and we will not be unfruitful (in other words, God will take them and use them for His with John 15:1-11).  As Martin Luther said, "Justification is by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone."

Paul doesn't define what these good deeds are...probably because He knows that Christians who have a heart for good deeds and give careful thought as to when, where, why, and how, will not only be guided by the Holy Spirit in their endeavors; but through the Spirit will also be given the opportunities for them as well, as the Lord always matches God-given desires with God-given opportunities (see Psalm 37:3-6).

I don't think there is a tension between good deeds and Gospel proclamation...they do go together. How can you love someone enough to give them the gospel to meet their spiritual need, and not be moved to provide for their physical needs, or vice-versa?  Doing one without doing the other tears the heart right out of the Gospel.

As is always the case, the Scriptures give us the mind of God concerning these issues.  So instead of debating one another, let's get busy and stay busy doing all that the Scriptures tell us to do.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Faith and Conformity

True faith always produces real conformity to Christ.
R. C. Sproul
The Holiness of God
Page 165

Monday, December 12, 2011

For His Glory Today

Father, today in Your church, from the rising
of the sun to its setting, make Your praise
glorious.  Give us lips and lives that will
will not only praise You, but will bring praise
to You.  Give us no other desire today than
to bring You praise, than to bring honor
to You in accordance with the greatness of
Your name.  Today, in Your church,
be glorified. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

For His Glory Today

As we go forth this day, O Lord, may the
meditations of our hearts be acceptable in
Your sight.  Cleanse us as we begin this day,
and keep us clean throughout the day.  Guard
our hearts and minds with what is true, right,
honorable, beautiful, pure, lovely, and
praiseworthy; so that what comes out of
us in word and deed manifests the sweet aroma
of Jesus Christ.  Work out through us what You
have worked within us for the display of the
greatness of the glory of Your grace.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

For His Glory Today

As the Psalmist says, "Not to us, O Lord,
not to us, but to Your name give glory."
Use us today to fulfill the purpose for
which You have made us.  And in fulfilling
that purpose may we bring You great glory.
Manifest Your life through us.  Manifest Your
love through us.  Manifest Your righteousness
through us.  Manifest Your mercy and compassion
through us.  Cause the radiance of Your glory to
be seen in us as we live as Christ would live.

Friday, December 09, 2011

For His Glory Today

Father, apart from glorifying You, apart from being
agents of Your glory and for Your glory, we have
no reason to exist.  Keep us mindful today, that
whether we eat or drink, whatever it is we do,
should be done for Your glory. Today, use Your
church, Your living body, to manifest Your glory
throughout this world.  Make Your matchless
worth to be seen through us, so that all the world
around us can truly say, "God has been in this place."
May it be so wherever we are in this world, so that
the world may be keenly aware of Your Divine glory.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

For His Glory Today

Today, O Lord, work in us that which is
pleasing in Your sight, so that we may
bring You glory.  Today, cause our salt
to be salty, our light to burn bright, so that
we might bring You glory in each and every
circumstance of our day.  Shine forth the
beauty of Your holiness in us, so that Your
glory may shine brightly round about us.
Let us, Your servants, be and do, so that
our very lives shout, "Glory to God, glory
to God, glory to God!"

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

For His Glory Today

Father, may all that we say today, every word
that is on our tongue, every word that passes
through our lips, bring glory to You.  Make us
cognizant this day of bringing you glory by what we say. 
 Let no careless word, let no unwholesome word,
 proceed from our mouth, but only that which gives
grace to those who hear; so that whether they are
a believer or an unbeliever You will be glorified 
in their presence by our speech.  This day, make us, 
Your children, a people of purified lips.  Glorify Yourself
through what we say, and how we say it.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

For His Glory Today

Today, let Jesus Christ be magnified wherever
a breath is taken, to the glory of God the Father.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

The Seducing Spirit of Our Age

Following my last post on Francis Schaffer's quotes from The Great Evangelical Disaster, I thought I would repost this with a few updates.  This was originally posted in November 2006.

There is a seduction and deception going on in churchdom in America today. It is reminiscent of the admonition that Paul gave the Corinthians in II Corinthians 11:3-4. This seduction is to be relevant to the culture, to be radical or primal to win people to Christ. While these may sound good on the surface the reality is that the church is being deceived into accepting another gospel. Without going into all the ways this other gospel is being perpetrated on the church I want to give some keys so that people can recognize when their church, pastor, or leadership is succumbing to the seduction of this spirit of our new age.

1. When "evangelism" is touted over theology
2. When confrontation is traded for comfort
3. When results are more important than truth
4. When sin is relabled as poor choices, bad decisions, falling down, failure, shame,
     or having problems
5. When requiring commitment is exchanged for providing convenience
6. When preaching/teaching becomes speaking or conversation
7. When pastorisms are substituted for Scripture
8. When doing it because it is right is replaced by doing it because it works
9. When research and response dictate the church service instead of Scripture
10. When fellowship becomes community
11. When the sacred becomes like the secular
12. When being relevant is more important than being righteous
14. When being distinct gives way to blending in with the culture
14. When books, or movies, or current events are sermon topics instead of the Bible
15. When it becomes all about life change instead of becoming like Christ
16. When worship becomes man-centered entertainment instead of
      God-focused exaltation
17. When offending the saints is okay, but offending the sinner is not
18. When the church corporate is put ahead of the church as a body of believers
19. When individual Christians are deemed expendable for the sake of the
      church corporate
20. When sin is ignored or tolerated among church members by its leadership
21. When more emphasis is put on telling people that God loves and accepts
      them like they are, instead of telling them that Christ died because of their sin
22. When video clips of movies, television shows, or youtube spots are used to
      make a point in the sermon instead of the Scriptures, therefore elevating secular
      entertainment to being equal with Scripture
23. When secular songs are used as worship music
24. When attendance numbers are used to justify what is being done or to bless
      what is being done
25. When there is an attitude of good riddance when people leave, instead of remorse
26. When there is no thought about God liking what is happening, but every care
      given to the seeker/unchurched/community liking what is happening
27. When the staff/leadership substitutes pleasing God with pleasing men

The thing that is disturbing is that all of this is being done in the name of Christ while He is being denied His rightful place of preeminence.