Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Pastor as Leader and Servant: A Pastoral Application of Matthew 20:25-28

Pastor's, how do we lead our people?  Simply, we lead them by serving them.  And, "How do we serve them?" you might ask.  Let me list a few basics, and these all fall under the umbrella of spiritual oversight.

1. We serve them by preaching to them.
2. We serve them by praying for them.
3. We serve them by watching over them.
4. We serve them by guiding them.
5. We serve them by caring for them.
6. We serve them by listening to them.
7. We serve them by planning.
8. We serve them through the staff we hire, both lay and ministerial.
9. We serve them through the elders and deacons we appoint.

If you look closely at this list what you will see is that service, being a servant to your people is the motive that undergirds and guides what we do as pastors; and I truly believe that this is the underlying motive that Christ was talking about in Matthew 20:25-28, and that re-surfaced in Matthew 23:11.  The point is that our heart is to be about serving our people in what we do as a pastor.  In essence, our love for our people is manifested in our service to them.

So throw all that silly corporate vision-casting nonsense into the trash pile where it belongs.  Run from the pastor as leader/CEO model.  Stop worrying about growing the church, and start being concerned and aware of serving the church. Make serving your people your main priority, and see the position that the Lord has called you to as one which has multiple ways for you to serve His people and to manifest His love for them through you.

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