Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rejoice this Day

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice and be glad, 
rejoice and let your heart exult in your
salvation.  Give thanks to the Lord for
the greatness of His mercy to you.

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice in the eternal
love with which you have been loved, and 
in which you will be loved for all time.  Be 
thankful with a heart full of gratitude for His
bestowal of His great love upon you.

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice that your name
is graven upon His hand, and written in 
His book, never to be forgotten.  Give 
thanks that you are kept by the 
power of God. 

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice in the reality
of His indwelling presence.  Rejoice 
in the reality of His power at work
in your inner man.  Rejoice that sin
no longer has its way with you.  Give
Him thanks for sharing His holiness 
with you.

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice that He
is conforming you to the image of
His Son.  Rejoice that you are being
made complete in Him.  Give thanks
that the old self becomes less, and 
the new self becomes greater.

Rejoice this day!  Rejoice in the hope
laid up for you in heaven.  Rejoice in
the imperishable, undefiled and unfading
inheritance reserved in heaven for you. 
Give thanks to the Lord for preparing a 
place for you, and the reality of His
coming back for you to take you
to Himself forever.

Rejoice this day!  O, yes, rejoice this 
day for all the Lord has done for you.

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