Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Great Purpose

We are to exalt his name because it is the great purpose of our beings.  For this we have been created.  As the Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it in the first answer:  'Man's chief end
is to glorify God...". God has made us to praise, worship, and honour him--to recognize and declare all that we know and can learn about him.  By his Spirit we are to bring ourselves into line with him and his glory--so that, ever more fully, his name will be exalted in the world and heaven will come down to earth more and more......

......We, God's people, are the only beings whom he rescues from hell.  He makes us his children, transforms us into holiness and brings us to heaven, all by the person and work of his Son.  Our redemption displays so much about God--Father, Son, and Spirit.  In no one and nowhere else in the universe can such reality be displayed--'things into which angels long to look' (I Pet. 1:12).  What a wonder it is and will be for us alone to tell this story for all eternity!  Here is why, on earth and in heaven, we are to exalt his name together.  

Edward Donnelly
Let Us Exalt His Name Together
Banner of Truth
August/September 2012
Page 35

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