Saturday, July 07, 2012

Spurgeon on Sermon Preparation

...Spurgeon said:  "The ministry demands brain labor.  The preacher must throw his thought into his teaching, and read and study to keep his mind in good trim."  In other words, power in gospel preaching demands arduous study.  He admitted:  "I scarcely ever prepare for my pulpit with pleasure.  Study for the pulpit is to me the most irksome work in the world."  But he understood that if he refused to pay this high price, he would have no business in the ministry:  "An idler has no right in the pulpit.  He is an instrument of Satan in damning the souls of men."  Again, he warned:  "He who has ceased to learn has ceased to teach.  He who no longer sows in the study will no more reap in the pulpit."  Even for a genius like Spurgeon, Bible study was hard work.  But depth in the Word is absolutely necessary if there is to be depth of conviction and soundness of conversions.

Steven Lawson
The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon
Page 32

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