Thursday, April 05, 2012

It's Easter, Sing and Shout the Victory!

There is a hymn titled "When We All get to Heaven," and the chorus is as follows:

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be.
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory!

Honestly, that's too late. There is one mighty victory that overcame sin, death, hell, and Satan; and that is the resurrection.  This was God's victory in Christ, and it has become our victory.  His resurrection is our resurrection, His triumph our triumph, His power has become our power, His ascension will be our ascension, and His life is now our life; and all of this is our reality because He rose again.  He overcame the power of sin, He severed the hold of death, He blew open the gates of Hell, and took the keys of death and hell from Satan; and on that Great Day when Satan is thrown into the lake of fire, death and Hell will be thrown in with him. 

It's too late, too late, I say, to wait until we see Jesus, our Dread Champion, before we sing and shout the victory.  That victory is ours now, and forever.  Let's sing and shout that victory--His victory--our victory, as we celebrate it this Sunday.

Do I hear any Amens?

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