Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Worthy Read

The year 2011 is well underway and many blogsters have published their list of favorite books they have read over the last year, usually in a top ten format.  There are even a couple of books that have made several of the the lists.  List categories for books that I have not seen were "Most Enjoyable" or "Most Influential" or "Causing the Most Reflection."  The list for these would probably not be as long, but maybe more telling, both about the author and the reader.

I have one book I would recommend, one that would fit into the categories I just mentioned.  It is not a particularly long book, but it took me almost all year to read it.  It is Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray.  John Murray, in his time, was considered one of the foremost conservative theologians in the world.  He was a professor and founder of Westminster Theological Seminary, a Scotsman, single until after his retirement at age 69, when he married and fathered two children.  A unique man, even unique for his time.

Redemption Accomplished and Applied is not a book to be read quickly, at least not a book that I could read quickly, even though it is not a very long book, nor is it a book that is difficult to read.  It just caused to me to think and reflect.  Many times I would only get a couple of paragraphs read because they would be a springboard for meditation.  Because of this there were stretches of time that I did not read it, because I did not have the time to engage the book the way I wanted to.

Our redemption is the greatest subject to reflect upon, and Murray's writing style is very engaging and his treatment of redemption is very thorough.  So I found it enjoyable, in fact joy causing.  It was certainly the one that caused the most reflection; and because it spurred me to spend so much time reflecting upon the greatness of our salvation and the greatness of our Savior, it, therefore, was also the most influential. 

One caveat, however, his last chapter, on glorification, was his weakest.  Not just because of his amillenial views, but also because it lacked the thoroughness of the rest of the chapters.  Nevertheless, this book is a worthy read.  One well worth the time.

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