Wednesday, November 15, 2006

True Freedom--Galatians 5:25-6:18

Lesson 14 Read through these verses several times before you answer the questions. 

 1. List everything that relates to attitude. 

2. List everything that relates to action. 

3. In your own words write down what walking by the Spirit means to you. 

4. How do the attitudes and actions of these verses relate to walking by the Spirit? 

5. How do you see Galatians 5:22-23 exercised in these verses? 

6. What are the promises in verses 7-9 of chapter six? 

7. What do we learn about walking by the Spirit in Romans 8:3-13? 

8. Is there anything in Galatians 5;17 that would give us additional insight into walking by the Spirit? 

9. Write down any new insights into walking by the Spirit. 

Walking by the Spirit is walking in freedom.

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