Monday, November 13, 2006

True Freedom--Galatians 5:1

Lesson 11 Read and meditate on this verse each day this week. Ask the Lord to show you what this verse really means in your life. 
 1. a. Read Luke 3:16-21. What was Christ's purpose? 


b. Read John 8:31-36. What was Christ's promise? 


c. Read Acts 13:32-39. What was Christ's provision? 


2. Read Galatians 3:27 then Romans 6:3. What has happened to us. 


3. What happened to our old self according to Romans 6:6? What is the end result for someone who has been crucified? If you have died, are you not freed from what has held you in bondage? Think with me on this..... THEREFORE CRUCIFIXION BRINGS FREEDOM!! 

4. Read the following verses and fill in the blank. Romans 6:4-7--I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I have died to____________. 
Galatians 2:19-20--I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I have died to____________. 
Galatians 5:24--I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I have died to____________. 
Galatians 6:14--I have been crucified with Christ, therefore I have died to____________. 
Therefore, since I have been crucified with Christ, I have freedom from_________to these things in my life! 

It was for freedom that Christ set you free, stand firm in the truth!

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