Monday, November 06, 2006

True Freedom--Galatians 3:10-29

Lesson7 Read these verses each day this week and think about what Christ has done for you. Redeem (exagorazo)--denotes to buy out, pay a ransom, to purchase a slave with a view to setting him free. 
1. List everything you learn about the Law. 


2. List everything you learn about the promise(s). 

3. According to verses 13-14 what did Christ redeem us from and why? 

4. According to verse 16 to whom were the promises made? 

5. Read Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:1-8, 17-18. What were the promises? 

6. Read Galatians 3:7, 9, 14, 28-29, Romans 2:28-29; 3:29-30 Ephesians 2:11-3:11. What do these verses tell you about Jew and Gentile? 7. 

According to what we have seen in Galatians thus far, what role does faith play in all of this? 


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